Sunday, September 12, 2010

Andrew's Whitecoat Ceremony!

Well, here is my stud pre-doctor husband.
Every year they put "white coats" on the new medical students as a kind of initiation.
This was at the Old Capital Building. Isn't it gorgeous?!

Andrew before the ceremony. And a bald guy.

Before and after getting his white coat.
Here is Andrew's class. Can you find Andrew?
This week that we had the ceremony was pretty crazy, but when we were sitting there at the ceremony, we felt so grateful to be there! Bring it on University of Iowa, we're ready for you!


  1. Yipee! Look how natural Dr. Lowe looks in that coat. Go Andrew! We miss you guys!

  2. Congrats, again! I'm so glad things are working out for ya'll. Have you found a teaching job in Iowa? What's your plan?

  3. It's so official looking now! What a fun event. I'm glad they do something to recognize the achievement of even BEING there! I just had to get a dead mouse out from under the sink and was hoping to find something uplifting and sweet to take my mind off it. This was perfect, except now the dead mouse is on YOUR mind! Ha! Your summer looks like so much fun. I know it was stressful, but the fun parts will stay in your memory longer. I heard you're making a quilt. I'd love some pictures of that next!
